
Table Turnover: A Direct Impact on Profitability

In a restaurant, the table turnover rate is an indicator that measures the frequency with which customers occupy their tables during a given period of time. The restaurant’s revenue will depend to a considerable extent on this indicator. A higher table turnover rate means that more customers have passed through the establishment and, consequently, higher profitability. 

How to measure the table rotation rate?

Each restaurant is different and has a number of elements that make its table turnover rate different from that of other venues. To know specifically the table turnover rate of a restaurant, a very simple calculation can be made: divide the number of people served by the total number of tables in a given period of time. 

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How to improve table rotation?

The table turnover rate is a specific number for each restaurant, which will depend on factors such as the volume and capacity of the premises, among others. 

There are several tools and strategies to increase and maximize table turnover, but all of them can be summarized in three basic measures

    1. Waiter organization.

If restaurant employees maintain a climate of cooperation and joint work, it will be possible to speed up customer service. In this way, customers will receive their order quickly and, consequently, will leave earlier, leaving the table free for subsequent customers.

An optimal tool for the correct organization of the service staff is to create an effective action plan, so that each employee knows what his or her specific tasks are and, in this way, can focus his or her efforts on those tasks.

    2. Reduction of kitchen time. 

The kitchen is the engine of the restaurant. Its organization and the efforts of the cooks will affect customer service and attention. If the work in the kitchen is optimal and the dishes come out quickly, this will guarantee an increase in table turnover and, consequently, a decrease in customer waiting time.

Some tools to improve kitchen performance are to prepare dishes in advance (those that allow it) and to prepare a more efficient menu, based on the most popular dishes.

    3. Incorporation of new technologies.

One of the keys to speeding up diners’ stay in the restaurant and increasing table rotation is the use of new technologies and taking advantage of the benefits they offer.

One way to benefit from new technologies in the restaurant industry is the integration of an online ordering and payment system, so that the customer does not have to wait for the waiter to order and pay. 

    Waitress Banzzu

    Banzzu, the best tool to reduce waiting times and increase table rotation.

    As mentioned above, new technologies are positioned as one of the best tools to increase table rotation and reduce the time customers have to wait for staff to serve them.


    Companies such as Banzzu, promote the use of technologies in restaurants, with the aim of improving their performance and, consequently, increasing their profitability.


    One of the keys to this digitalization with which Banzzu works is the integration of a system whereby orders and payments by the customer are reduced to their own cell phone. In this way, all the waiting time from the moment the customer takes a seat until the waiter comes to the table to take note of his order is avoided. Likewise, when it is time to make the payment, the customer only has to access the platform and proceed with the payment, without having to wait for the waiter to return to the table. 


    In short, there are several strategies to increase table turnover and reduce waiting times for customers in a restaurant. Some of them are based on improving the organization of the restaurant staff, while others involve the integration of new technologies in the business. Companies such as Banzzu are working to bring digitalization to the restaurant sector. 

    Online Ordering Banzzu
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